Rabu, 30 November 2011


Bisnis bisnis Gan !!!!!
Walau cuma pelajar, dompet juga msti tebal ! :D

Hmmm... lu, lu , pade tau ngak sich? kita ini kan dah gede, bentar lagi kuliah, pasti kalian semua pada mau kuliah jauh kan????
 Yaaaa..yayayyaa... minimal sich target kalian Pulau Jawa kan? Naah, kalo gitu tuch kita mesti bisa berhemat dan pinter ngatur duit ! pless pleess alangkah baeknya klo kita tuch bisa ngasilin duit ndiri, n biayain kuliah sendiri, tentu bakal bikin orangtua bangga bukan? yaa pastiii ! ;)
hmmm, tunggu dulu, jangan pusing mikirin gimana cara biar bisa ngasilin duit ndiri ! :D
Masalahnya gue sich punya solusi asyik !
gini nich, ini bisnis cepat lo ngasilin duitnya , trus nga ribet lagi, trus kalo tman ragu sama status nich bisnis , tenang, gue udah tanya sma guru agama kita ( b' Yln ) yaa, kata beliau ini bisnis HALAL 100% ! ;D
Ini karna kita join nya sama perusahaan yg produknya obat herbal,
tau ngak sish gimana procedur ny?
hmm,, gini deech ,,
1, alias "first" ). Perusahaan
  nich peruahaan namanya PT. MNI ( Melia Nature Indonesia ), produksi obat-obatan herbal gitu , ini website nya : www.melia-nature.com .
2.atau "duo" Sistim
Agar perusahaan tetap berdiri dan tumbuh kembang ,,,* hahahaaa,,, kayak makhluk hidup aj ! :D
kita menanamkan saham di perusahaan ini sebagai modal perusahaan. Lalu tugas kita adalah, memperbanyak jaringan, kalo jaringan kita udh ada, kita bakal dikaasih bonus dari perusahaan...
3. Caranya
-. Kamu nanamin modal minimalnya per paket tuch @Rp.550.000-, + uang pendaftaran Rp.30.000
-daftar ke atasan kamu (anggota mni yg lbih dulu ikutan join)  dengan syarat :
data lengkap, nomor rekening.
Naah nnti klo udh join, uang kmu bakal langsung ditransfer !

Hmm, gimana? minat ngak ?
yaaa kalau tidak, itu pun tidak masalah, mungkin niat tman2 masih ragu-ragu kali yaa, nga papa ! ;D
tapi, kalo plen plen yang kece-kece berminat, hubungin aja ini nich nama dibawah buat lebih jelasnyaa !

Contact person : Mina , XI IPA 2..

hohoooy, makasoyyy ea sohib-sohib seperjuangan... ;)

Selasa, 29 November 2011


the most friendly destination city .. ^^

Bukittinggi is the name of a city located in the northern province of West Sumatra. Two words are assembled into one, has a meaning identical to its location at an altitude hills. Located in the center of Sumatra island with hills and berlembah physical, as well as the air cool and comfortable.
Bukittinggi city will amaze your heart, with a height of 904-941 meters above sea air makes a high hill so it feels very cool. Temperature reaches about 16-23 degrees centigrade. contours of the land in this town is hilly, there are around there are 27 hills contained within the town of Bukittinggi, If traveling by car then will not feel bored.
Bukittinggi is the cultural center of West Sumatra, is located in the highlands north of Padang on the hill Agam. In contrast to the Padang which is the center of the wheels of government and the United Kingdom is a modern trade city decorated by quiet scenery was second to none. Valley is very famous Sianok canyon with a depth of 100 M and the slope between 800 – 900 is one of the attractions the city serve as the resort town of Bukittinggi. Majesty of Mount Merapi, Mount Singgalan and, too, Mount Sago moleknya adorn this city Clock Tower.
Bukittinggi city has another name that is Tri Arga, which means three great mountains that give good luck. Bukittinggi has a cool refreshing air because of the height of the area more than 900 m above sea level. While in New York City is often rainy, it does not prevent the tourists to come to the city that many people refer to as the friendliest town on the island of Sumatra.
Many tourists who come to visit Sianok amazing canyon, cliff boulder covered with trees that grow on it and the surrounding mountains make a dramatic canyon scenery very attractive.
This place is a good place if you want a more challenging adventure. Compare with other places in Sumatra, Bukittinggi only received few visitors who make the city as the headquarters of climbing near or on a tour to the highlands Minagkabau culture. Bukittinggi community inhabited thousands of multi-ethnic society. Mareka simple life co-exist in harmony and harmonious life.

There are some interesting legends surrounding the foundation and naming of “High Hill” Bukittinggi. The city has its origins in five villages which served as the basis for a marketplace. The city was known as Fort de Kock during colonial times in reference to the Dutch outpost established here in 1825 during the Padri War. The fort was founded by Captain Bauer at the top of Jirek hill and later named after the then Lieutenant Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies, Hendrik Merkus de Kock. The first road connecting the region with the west coast was built between 1833 and 1841 via the Anai Gorge, easing troop movements, cutting the costs of transportation and providing an economic stimulus for the agricultural economy. In 1856 a teacher-training college (Kweekschool) was founded in the city, the first in Sumatra, as part of a policy to provide educational opportunities to the indigenous population. A rail line connecting the city with Payakumbuh and Padang was constructed between 1891 and 1894. During the Japanese occupation of Indonesia in World War II, the city was the headquarters for the Japanese 25th Army, the force which occupied Sumatra. The headquarters was moved to the city in April 1943 from Singapore, and remained until the Japanese surrender in August 1945.

During the Indonesian National Revolution, the city was the headquarters for the Emergency Government of the Republic of Indonesia (PDRI) from December 19, 1948 to July 13, 1949. During the second 'Police Action' Dutch forces invaded and occupied the city on December 22, 1948, having earlier bombed it in preparation. The city was surrendered to Republican officials in December 1949 after the Dutch government recognized Indonesian sovereignty. The city was officially renamed Bukittinggi in 1949, replacing its colonial name. From 1950 until 1957, Bukittinggi was the capital city of a province called Central Sumatra, which encompassed West Sumatra, Riau and Jambi. In February 1958, during a revolt in Sumatra against the Indonesian government, rebels proclaimed the Revolutionary Government of the Republic of Indonesia (PRRI) in Bukittinggi. The Indonesian government had recaptured the town by May the same year.
In town===
Bukittinggi is a small town, so these places are within walking distance with each other (15-30 minute walk).
*'''Sianok Canyon''' (Ngarai Sianok) and the '''Japanese Caves''' (Lubang Japang), a network of underground bunkers and tunnels built by the Japanese during World War II. There is a two-story observation tower that overlooks the Sianok Canyon. During dusk you can observe megabats  flying from the gorges to the forest in order to feed from the fruits on the trees. This is also a good place to get in contact with guides for tours such as to Lake Maninjau (see below) or jungle/hiking trips through the Canyon.

*'''Fort de Kock'''. A fort built by the Dutch (nothing is left, only a water reservoir is on top of the hill) and '''Bundo Kanduang Park'''. The park includes a replica Rumah Gadang (traditional house), used as a museum of Minangkabau culture (many curiosities, such as stuffed animals with two heads and six legs, model houses and traditional dresses, foreign currencies...

*'''House of Bung Hatta''' (the first Vice President of Indonesia).

*'''Clock Tower''' (Jam Gadang)

There are horse carriages waiting around the Jam Gadang area.  Please be cautioned that the rides are very costly, therefore please ask for their rates first.

  • Bundo Kanduang Park

Around town

There are two tours that hotels and tour agencies try to push, a tour to Minangkabau and another tour to Maninjau.
The Minangkabau tour will visit these places in east area of Bukittinggi:
  • The King's palace in Pagaruyung

  • Balimbing village with old century traditional house that is more than 350 years old

  • Handcraft in Pandai Sikek, such as kain songket (traditional woven clothes), ukiran kayu or bamboo (handmade crafting)

  • Traditional coffee toasters
  • Bika, traditional sweet made from coconut, rice flour and palm sugar, located in Koto Baru, betweeen Padang Panjang-Bukittinggi.

The Maninjau Tour will visit places in west area of Bukittinggi:
  • Lake Maninjau
  • Puncak Lawang, a place where you can see a panoramic of Lake Maninjau
  • The "44 turns", forty-four numbered(!) hairpin bends up the mountain from where you can see a panoramic of lake Maninjau.

The Harau Valley is a pretty gorge about an hour east of Bukittinggi comprising a valley floor of rice paddy hemmed in by shear sandstone cliffs. There are several waterfalls with pools (both natural and constructed) for bathing, and you can go rock climbing on the cliffs. Harau is reached via Payakumbuh.

* Traditional dances are performed for 90 minutes every day from 9PM to 10:30PM. Each group has its own schedule. Ticket price is RM 16 for adult; RM 8 for child. If you want to buy a souvenirs or CDs about their performance, wait until the show finish because every dancer will offer you a souvenirs. The prices are, for CD about Rp100,000, for the traditional flute about Rp50,000. It's more expensive because you can get with half price in the town.
Bukittinggi and West Sumatra in general also is the great place for Adventure, as for Rafting, Kayaking, Surfing, Rock Climbing, Mountaineering and Paragliding. 

* There are several rivers for Rafting and Kayaking, as Kuantan River, Anai River, Sinama River, Ombilin River and many others. The grade of the rivers is varied from grade 2 to grade 5. 

* For Rock Climbing, there is cliff in Baso, Harau Valley and Sijunjuang. The grade of route are varied from 5.8 to 5.14 and the high also varied from 20 m to 150 m.

* There are several place for Paragliding, as Puncak Lawang near Lake Maninjau, Pintu Angin Hill near Lake Singkarak and Aia Manih Beach near Padang. 

* For Mountaineering and Trekking there is several volcano with the high more than 2500 m above see level, as Merapi , Singgalang, Tandikek, Sago, Talang, etc. Merapi is an active volcano. 

* Mentawai island is one of the best place in the world for Surfing.

 Pasar atas-bawah

 Plaza Bukittinggi

Pasar Aur Kuniang

Bukittinggi's council have been developing a shopping mall next to Jam Gadang from January 2006 (Ramayana Shopping Complex which accepts credit cards). But there are 2 markets named Pasar Atas (Upper Market) and Pasar Bawah (Below Market). There are near Jam Gadang. Pasar Atas is the largest market in Bukittinggi. In Saturday, Sunday, and Wednesday, the vendor can sell their goods until beside of road. Pasar Bawah is for fruit and vegetables trade whereas Pasar Atas is for souvenirs and clothes trade. Most of the prices in each kiosk are similar and you can bargain up to 50%. One wholesale shop located in the middle of Pasar Atas, sell souvenirs with the lowest price. 
Ikan Bilih

There's small fish named Ikan Bilih (Bilis) in Lake Singkarak that we can't find elsewhere. Locals cook it in deep fry or in a sour soup together with vegetable. One portion of fried Bilih is about Rp 5,000, you can eat all the fish with its head and bones. Most of the restaurants available in Bukittinggi serve Padang cuisine which is creamy, spicy and hot. 

Karupuak Sanjai

 === Daun Kawa (Coffee leaves)===

Daun kawa originated from roasted dry leaves of coffee tree. The dried leaves is boiled with hot water and put into bamboo. Daun Kawa drink is poured to a "cawan tampuruang" (coconut shell). This drink is available in Bukittinggi, Payakumbuh and Batusangkar. Please ask anyone, especially people over age 40. They will show you where a good place is to taste a Daun Kawa drink!. 
Is'nt Unique? ;))
=== Teh Talua (egg tea)===

 This is Minangkabau specific drink. Egg is mixed with hot tea and lemon. Please taste it. You will never forget this experience!  :D

The top hotels in the city are the The Hills Bukittinggi (formerly the Novotel Coralia) and Pusako Hotel. Although The Hills Bukittinggi is comfortable place to stay especially for tourists from the West, the cost is at least Rp 800,000 for a night; in comparison there are many small hotels around Fort de Kock that are around Rp 120,000 that are quite nice. Small budget hotels are easy to find. Many locals offer accommodation which are like family-owned hotels that provide a "feel at home" atmosphere. The prices span from Rp 40,000 - Rp 200,000 per room without air-conditioning. Breakfast is included. There are no lifts in these small hotels, so be prepared if your room is on the upper floors. Room cleaning is not provided everyday in some cases, so don't hesitate to ask the hotel manager if you want a daily cleaning service. 

   * Hotel Cindua Mato, Jl. Cindur Mato 96 (across the street from the Zoo), +62 752 21346 (f   ax: +62 752 22808). Around 10 rooms.

      Hotel Grand Malino, Jl. Panorama. From US$25.  
  •  Hotel Pusako, Jl. Sukarno Hatta 7, +62 751 22111. (note : quite a distance away from the town centre and is on top of a hill).  
  • Hotel Royal Denai, Jl. Dr Rivai 26
  •  The Hills Bukittinggi Hotel & Convention, Jl. Laras Dt Bandaro, (62-752) 35 000 (fax: (62-752) 23 800),. From IDR 685,464.00.  

Kamis, 24 November 2011

Mein Poem

November Kelabu
Karya : Nur Haminati

November kelabu..
November nyeri bumi kita
Ibukota Asri
Berhias keping-keping kepedihan

Ibu pertiwi susah hati dalam ketenangannya
Bocah polos kehilangan sandaran kokoh
Masa esok yang mungkin cerah
Buram lah telah ditelan duka

Kebahagiaan fana....
Persahabatan mereka hanyut bersama jasad kaku
Sosok seorang guru kehilangan kawan didik
Benih-benih yang tertinggal menyesali perbuatan mereka
Musibah !
Duka nestapa !
Bertubi-tubi melantunkan jerit anak bangsa
Indonesia menangis...

Jangaan !

Kita tidak boleh mengatakan setiap kesalahan adalah sebuah KEBODOHAN !